Why We Celebrate

As Christians, many of us dance in worship to God, like David, the king of Israel (II Samuel 6:14-15), and are overflowing with joy, celebrating the coming of our King, Jesus Christ.

Currently, there are many signs on Earth (earthquakes, volcanoes erupting, pestilences, the Euphrates River drying up and more), which are the fulfillment of ancient sacred end times Bible prophecies.

Despite the difficulties that will come, we understand the good things that will happen before and afterwards and we celebrate, in anticipation.

While many in the world might be full of fear at the signs of the Apocalypse (Luke 21:10-11), we are fearless! If you are not a believer, you may be wondering how can this be, so for your sake, we’ll explain. Our goal is to help you understand how you can also live free from fear and become a part of our celebration. This story is born of a deep love for God and humanity.

Continue reading this Heavenly story with a happy ending…

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II Samuel 6:14‭-‬15 NKJV

Then David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was wearing a linen ephod. So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with shouting and with the sound of the trumpet.

Luke 21:10‭-‬11 NKJV

Then He said to them, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from Heaven.”